Everyday quilts

Sunday 22 July 2007

Large quilt on small machine

I realised the photos in the old blog didn't really show a full sized quilt in a normal machine. Voldemort took this picture just now of my quilt top puddled round the area I'm working on (the very middle) of the 80" square quilt. I have 40" of quilt in the harp of the machine. OK, it doesn't have any backing on it at the moment but it is much thicker batting (Quilter's Dream Poly DeLuxe) than I would use if I were quilting rather than preparing for trapunto. I do have an 8" hoop under the quilt.


  1. Ah - you said that word. I take it normal service has not yet resumed :-)

  2. what have you used to mark this one? The lines look really dark but I assume they come out?

  3. I always get myself in such a tangle with these things,and end up panicy and frantic, but you look so organised and calm. Annabel (the wittering rainbow)

  4. So glad you are back. Whilst you were "off the air" I really missed seeing your beautiful quilts and wonderful feathers. Your current quilt looks absolutely gorgeous - what size is it?

  5. Sally,
    Can you explain about the hoop you have under your quilt? In the US, I've seen people use a type of partially open hoop that they place on the top of the quilt to help them have some better traction, but I don't see that in your picture and you made a reference to a hoop UNDER your quilt. Does your hoop have 2 parts that fit into one another, i.e. like an embroidery hoop? Thanks!

  6. Hi Patsy, there's a link in the post to the old blog about it. I use the bit of an 8" wooden embroidery hoop without the nut.
    BTW I didn't use it when I did your feathers, because I didn't need to follow a line so accurately.
