Everyday quilts

Monday 6 August 2007

Echo Machine background quilting

I try to fence off a little first otherwise it can get boring to look at and it means having to move the quilt around continuously .
So in this instance I'm going from the edge to where I want the first round of echoing to be.

To add a little more interest and to keep lots of curves, I'm adding a spiral here. You just spiral inwards leaving yourself enough space to spiral out again.

Simple isn't it?

Then just follow you previously stitched lines. Notice that the gap is not even. I wasted a lot of time getting my gaps totally even only to find it doesn't look great. It has no movement.

Sometimes if a line is getting too long or too straight, I'll stop and go back in the direction I came from.

Then on the next go round I have a little new curve to echo.

Here I've made the line to the right and behind the needle a little wavy. I'll probably exaggerate this wave with each successive round.

There one little area done.
It's also nice to break it up as it gives you small areas of achievement.


  1. OK so where are the hiddne cameras, you've been watching me quilting last week hanve't you :) That is pretty much word for word what I've been doing.

  2. That thread is gorgeous! Forgive me if you've already written about it, but what make is it?

  3. You make it look so easy!!! I've just done some machine quilting on my Ostrich (the one you ran) and although the front looks good...I wasn't so lucky with the back and have a few tucks :o( Never mind...live and learn.

  4. When did a spiral get to be simple??? I suspect you don't realise how good you are.

  5. Yes, a great tutorial - I have done pencil doodles like this since I was a teenager, but never managed to transfer it to my machine quilting. Must try harder...

  6. Thanks Sally - that's a really interesting posting. Almost as good as being there!

  7. Thanks for these pictures! I'm going to have to try this now!
