Everyday quilts

Tuesday 7 August 2007

Foot and Mouth and visiting England

I heard last night that during the last outbreak many visitors to Briton did not come due to misunderstandings of language.
Footpaths (which at the moment only a few are closed) are NOT sidewalks. Footpaths are the right of way through fields and private land suitable for ramblers and horse riders. For tourists there is almost no change whatsoever unless you are visiting an infected area and even then it will not affect you unless you are planning long country walks.
Foot and Mouth cannot be caught by humans. Not at all, not ever.

please spread this message

1 comment:

  1. Hiya Sally! Can I tag you please for 7 gardening facts about yourself? I've been tagged by Dijanne and all the details are on her blog but basically, you then (if you want) tag others putting links to them on your blog. It's difficult finding people who might be interested in gardening but after the comment yesterday, I figured you had at least a passing interest!! xx
