Everyday quilts

Wednesday 1 August 2007

New old book

I went to a Guild Area day last week and we had a hand quilter demonstrating on her frame. She had this wonderful book, Cusack's Freehand Ornament. It was a design source to die for. The only small problem was it was published in 1895, so a little out of print (grin).
How wondrous is the internet? I found a copy after a very quick search and now it is mine. I'm so happy. This book has designs on almost every page which can be translated either into quilting motifs or appliqué.
Aren't they fabulous and this is just a random selection, every page is like these.


  1. what a great find!! you're get hours and hours of creativity out of that!

  2. Lucky you. I really like the associated layout guides.

  3. What a fabulous book. I can tell that it's found a good home - lucky you!

  4. Wow! what a fantastic find. Your quilting is so beautiful I can't wait to see you quilt these.
