Everyday quilts

Friday 17 August 2007

On a roll

Some days are good, some are very very good.
I've just seen it's half past midnight so I have to say yesterday was very very good.
DD got her exams!! Yeah
I won 3rd place in Small Traditional at the FOQ and the Amateur award for the same quilt Peace 3#. I can't find a photo of it on my laptop so I'll take one tomorrow.
And it gets better, much better.
I've had an email from someone at the World Quilt Show letting me know Nostalgia has won 2nd in country!
You could say I'm a very happy quilter. (grin).


  1. Well done that girl - and Fliss's Ostrich looks lovely

  2. ps - excellent news on the exam results

  3. Congratulations- you are soo talented you deserve it.


  4. Congratulations! Your work gives me so much pleasure and inspiration.

  5. Congratulations Sally......your work definitely deserves honors. Keep it up!

  6. Oh well done. Warmest congratulations to both you and your daughter. You must be uber excited!
    lol The wittering rainbow
