Everyday quilts

Monday 22 October 2007

Aren't these scrummy?

I keep pulling these out and having a stroke.
I just don't know what to do with them yet. I had the fabrics for Nostalgia for about 4 or 5 years, I ummed and ahhed for ages before using them. I can see the decision for these taking just as long.
Still no sewing at Toad Hall. The spirit is willing but the body is not happy. The cold is still hanging on to me like a leech.
All I got done today were a few preparations for painting the cottage and sorting it out. Things like getting new loo seats and finding the right sized plug for the sink in the utility room.
I love it so much up there, we are thinking about being brave and renting it out again. Are we mad? I know if we do the prospective tenants will have to be rock solid.


  1. You must love it so much to be considering letting it again, I would say go for it. Look at it this way, these guys have prepared you for most situations, and you know you can handle it if you have to. Hopefulyy though you have used up your bad luck and the next people will love it as much as you do.

  2. Hi Sally
    Thanks for your comment on my blog, don't be fooled by this apparition of tidyness, you didn't see the other side of the studio, where my other half has his photographiic stuff!
    I've just been reading thru your 'cottage' posts, poor you! What a mess! It's some cottage though, it looks huge.
    I'm having the same problems finding time for creative stuff, especially with little people here over the half term hols.I think we're both getting a bit too old and short tempered for this!
    Your fabric samples are lovely!
