Everyday quilts

Wednesday 17 October 2007

Our cottage-before

I'm not well, not at all well, I have a highish temperature and am feeling poorly. I posted this post early this morning, only to discover it went on the old blog by mistake. Duh!

This is our cottage. We bought it 3 years ago with plans to retire here in a few years. We can't afford to keep it as a weekend place so we rented it out.

Our first tenants were lovely, we could not have wished for more, indeed they have remained friends. They liked the layout of the house so much they bought a plot of land in the village and built something similar though much bigger.
Though the kitchen was not of my choosing but it is solid oak. We had oak floors laid throughout the ground floor.

And this is it viewed from the back.

And looking out from the breakfast room.

The sitting room.
To say we have been unlucky with our 2nd lot of tenants, might be an understatement.
I'll show you tomorrow (blogger willing) the 'after' photos. Let's just say at this point, I'm glad I had industrial rubber gloves and industrial strength cleaning products.
There is still a long way to go. I should be going up with DH today to continue the work but I've come down with a temperature, only a cold but quite a bad one. We have a skip (dumpster?) arriving this morning to clear out the debris.

1 comment:

  1. Oh God, Sally! I've just looked through the photos and that is a nightmare become reality! Why do tenants do this? They still have to live there even though they don't own the place. They may think they are clever but it's a testament to them and how they live their lives. Your cottage is absolutely gorgeous, it will be fabulous when it's cleaned up and become yours again. Living well is the best revenge, as they say!
