Everyday quilts

Wednesday 5 December 2007

And another sample today

Today I did a couple more samples and had a play. I couldn't resist doing a Patsy Thompson feather (they are much quicker to do than my normal ones) This one was done using Madeira Polyneon in a pastel variegated colour. I used a 90 embroidery needle for this thread. The background is the YLI Silk 100# again with a 60 Microtex needle. If you recognise the background as Mc Tavishing, take another look. It gives the same swirly impression but without all that bothersome backtracking.
Then I played with different infills for the grid work on the wholecloth. I tried just doing some basic stippling (too boring), then I tried some mini feathers (and I do mean mini, those diamonds are 1"), they looked good except the spines of the feathers developed a line from one diamond to the next. I quite like the swirls and I like the way the curves alternate directions in the rows, a sort of wave like look.

And I've even managed to fit in some cutting away of the batting time. Still a very long way to go on this..... And I've yet to start on the big sample so I can decide whether the alternate diamonds in the grid shall be padded or not.

It's good to be back at my machine. Like coming home,


  1. Hi Sally,
    Gosh it's nice to see you back at your sewing machine again! Those mini feathers are beautiful and so intricate; not sure I could ever find the patience to work that small. What do you do with all your sample mini-quilts once you're done practicing?

  2. I think that the different patterns in the diamonds look fabulous, Sally! I'm so pleased you're well enough to sew again - and I bet your DH and friends are too! :-)))
    Rosemary K

  3. Sal,
    I do like your almost McTavishing!
    I agree the backtracking is bothersome and this looks just as good!

    I may try and copy this if that is OK?
