Everyday quilts

Wednesday 30 January 2008

And once it's has been drawn

it has to be stitched.
I start at the beginning of the first lobe and stitch the spine up one side and down the other.
I go up one side first. I tend to stick on the line on the way 'down' the lobe towards the spine and then a little away from the first line of stitching on the way out from it. This is similar to the way long arm quilters handle feathers.

Stop and cut or bury my threads .

Start at the begining on the other side and finish at the top in the same way.

A row of echo quilting outside the feather the same distance as the width between each lobe finishes it wonderfully.

Diane Gaudynski is the world's best at doing feathers like this. Read her book Quilt Savvy to really get to understand her wonderful way with feathers and all other sorts of elegant quilting.


  1. thank you so much for your mini master class on feathers.I'm slowly getting more confident in my machine quilting.
    I love your fridge magnets. I've got one that my hubby bought me that says 'Do Not disturb Dust Breeding in Progress'.

    love and hugs xxx

  2. Brilliant, thanks so much for the tutorial, it has made me want to have a go.

  3. Diane is responsible for any prowess I may have in machine quilting. I've taken two classes from her and we corresponded via e-mail mostly for a number of years, sharing strategies and information.

    It is incredible to watch her free motion quilt. She has amazing control. A master indeed. And all on a domestic Bernina. No big deal, no problem for her! She's definitely my hero.
