Everyday quilts

Saturday 26 January 2008

A case for living in the South of England

My snowdrops have gone over. Now is the time to move them to their new home.
The crocuses are out.

The primulas are in full bloom.

The cowslips come up wherever they can find a place in amongst the greenery of the upcoming forget-me-nots.

The daffodils are truly in bud.
This little one, a tĂȘte a tĂȘte is even showing petal and another day or two of sun should see it fully open. Though this one is early to flower anyway.

This is lungwort (Pulmonaria officinalis) also known as lords and ladies.

My hellebores are wonderful but you have to get down low to see inside the flowers.
Their subtlety is always a joy.

In the north, they might have to wait another month to see these flowers.


  1. My thoughts have been in the south of England recently...why...because I am reading (for my very first time) Pride & Prejudice. I really enjoyed your photos of the lovely flowers. It will be at least two or more months before we see those sights here in southern Indiana, USA. We are definitely in winter at this time.

  2. What a nice preview of spring. We will have to wait about 3 months for any of that.

  3. Not just the North. Here in South Wales we are about a month behind as well. My snowdrops haven't come out yet. My polyanthus's are going strong though.

    love and hugs xx

  4. Up in the Lake District we have the same flowers out. :o)
    We have missed the bad cold and wet weather that much of the south of England has had though over the last few weeks.
    Quite a few shrubs and smaller trees are breaking into green already.

  5. What a gorgeous garden you have!!
    Hugs Khris in Oz

  6. What wonderful pictures of Spring :-)
    Up here the snowdrops are just out, the crocuses ( or should it be crocii ) are barely though and the daffs are just poking their noses out of the ground.
    Not a green shoot in sight on shrubs and trees.
    With snow forecast for the middle of the week maybe it is just as well they are all still covered :-)

  7. Beautiful pictures of all your flowers, so fresh & sweet. I miss those lovely spring flowers, here in hot Australia.
