Everyday quilts

Wednesday 30 April 2008

I hate forms

I lost today.
I had to get entry forms into two shows. 3 of the 5 quilts are not yet made (2 haven't even been started!). I didn't have enough forms so I had to get photocopies which entailed getting drenched even with an umbrella. Then I found my inkjet was out of ink and spent a goodly amount of time searching local suppliers only to find no shop had any for my particular Epsom.
Then I had to name the quilts. I find this hard, even harder when I can only see them in my mind. And then of course the artists statement.......
Tomorrow is another day. I did mange to get two or three of the feathers done on the green quilt so all was not lost.

1 comment:

  1. Sally, Your quilting is amazing! Thanks for visiting my blog. Have a nice weekend.
    -Vivian Love
