Everyday quilts

Monday 12 May 2008

Sex in the City and hot and steamy in the bedroom

I gave up my place next to my DH at the world première in London for the Sex in the City movie. I let my DD go instead and it was a total suprise for DH when he came home to find Fliss arriving at the same time to get changed.

I've just spoken to her after she's walked the walk down the red carpet (not sure of the colour as sometimes they use a blue one) and she was just so excited to be so close to Sara Jessica Parker. She looked gorgeous in a new little black dress with a cream satin shawl collar and cut low front and back. (Fliss that is). I don't expect them home until the small hours as the party will go on for ages and Fliss just won't want to leave, well who can blame her?

Meanwhile back home at Toad Hall, Steph came over to help me strip the wallpaper off our bedroom wall. It's quite hot this week here in England and running two steaming wall strippers made for a very warm room. We've got quite a lot done and although the longest wall is left, it has no windows or doors in it. Steph is coming back on Wednesday and Thursday and then it should be totally ready for painting.

I might get some more of the darker teal on the quilt top tonight.

1 comment:

  1. I'll look out for her when they show the coverage on the TV.
    I hope she enjoyed it.

    love and hugs xxx
