Everyday quilts

Wednesday 21 May 2008

A sucessful domestic type of day

I finished colouring the quilt, I got the last pair of bedroom curtains prepared for taking up, I took the cat the the vets for his shots, I sorted out the cable guy for Fliss's cable phone line, I got most of the planters on the patio planted up, I did a week's ironing, I strimmed the edges of the lawn, I cooked dinner and still found time to take a few photos for you.
I'm going to leave this top for a week or two to allow the colour to really set.

The very last of the tree peonies. I shall miss them until next year.

My most favourite rose, Zephirine Drouhin. Thornless with a fabulous perfume, sadly prone to blackspot, but I'll forgive her anything.

Silly double clematis


  1. The quilt top looks wonderful.
    Beautiful flowers, all of them!

  2. I don't know what's prettier, the quilt or the flowers. You sure packed a lot into your day.

  3. We had a ZD at the old house - sadly it was never really happy where I planted it and although it did flower each year it never had more than one or two blooms each summer - fabulous perfume to die for though
