Everyday quilts

Sunday 29 June 2008

Fliss on her travels or not?

Last night she got on a coach to Igazu at 6pm. At 8am this morning their time the coach is still in the same place it was when she went to sleep. The farmers are blocking the roads in protest against taxes on exporting grain.
Meanwhile back on the quilting front I'm worried that the fireworks on the quilting have distorted the quilt so it won't hang straight. It could be when all the fireworks are done and when it's been blocked it will sort itself out. Have I mentioned I will NEVER enter an unfinished quilt into a show ever again?


  1. Doesn't Fliss look happy, Sally? When you see her like this, aren't you glad you found the strength to love her and let her go? Wise Mum! :-))
    Rosemary K

  2. Never is a long time between shows, personally I promise myself this very same thing every year..... and every year I end up doing the 2am quilting dash!

    I have even made a new rule that I will have the quilt totally finished (including label) before I am allowed to enter ANYTHING. (wishful thinking, I know...)

  3. What a wondeful picture. The colors are super. I wish my neighborhood had such bright colors.
    Your daughter looks so happy.
