Everyday quilts

Wednesday 9 July 2008

One with the quilting finished, one re-started and quilt folding

Finally, it's quilted. I had planned to wash and block it today. When Fliss came home and we had less than 12 hours to get her packed, organise last minute things, have dinner and try and get some sleep etc, we'd left the entire contents of her life in her car. DH unpacked the car and left it all over her room so that needed to be tidied up a bit to find room on the floor. I cleared the area in front of her bed to find I only had about 58" rather than the 60" or so required for the width. So then I had to clear an area in our bedroom by moving the drawing board into Fliss's. By this time I was exhausted so I'll aim to do it tomorrow.

I have 3/8ths of the other quilt's feathers done. On one of the list I'm on, people were talking about basting with water soluble thread. I've tried this before and I can still see where that basting had been, a combination of needle holes and crushed batting. So this time I've done it with the YLI water soluble as it's finer and I can use a smaller needle. I also reduced the tension top and bottom to reduce the crushing of the batting. The basting isn't just wavy, it's totally random. Should work, watch this space.

In the tidying up I moved the quilts I'd lent to a local show. They'd learnt I like the quilts fold into thirds but not the rest of the folding technique.

First and most importantly if quilts must be folded then they must be folded right side out, this means any deep creases are on the back not the front.
Secondly, the first fold or folds (and whether this is one, two, three or more depends on where the most important quilting is) should be parallel to the top and bottom. Then fold in the other direction. This means the first deeper creases have the weight of the quilt working against them to ease them out.
This is what happens to 'When Heide met Sally' when folded with the right side in. I shall have to block and steam it to remove these creases.

'Peace#1' will probably also need re-blocking but at least it's folded correctly now.

They will both have to wait until after I've finished the other quilts.


  1. Wow, Sally! When I get behind on my blog readings, I know that when I get back around to yours, I am always in for a treat. Love the eye candy!
