Everyday quilts

Monday 4 August 2008

The dire quilt is done

The deadlines have been met, the daughter is safely home and I feel strangely lost .
I've been pottering around clearing up the sewing room (not finished yet but I can see the floor so that's an improvement).
I sat down for a couple of hours and did the borders of this quilt. I'm not sure about the yellowy green in the border but it shall stay. I don't think whoever receives it shall be very critical. You can see how it's meant to look here. It's a vast improvement.


  1. I think it looks great and definitely an improvement.

  2. I think it's great

    love and hugs gina xxx

  3. I really love what the color has done for this quilt.

  4. Oh, I think the border is a definite thumbs up. If you flick back to the photo a few days ago and compare, it's quite a significant difference and finishes it off nicely! I imagine your recipient will be thrilled. lol Annabel aka the wittering rainbow that was.
