Everyday quilts

Thursday 25 September 2008

Remember this quilt?

I don't normally make 'theme' quilts but was given the heads up by a few people to enter the French show as the theme was feathers. It was a specific size so I couldn't send a work already done and did this one. Perhaps I was guilty of arrogance on my part but it truly never occurred to me that this quilt would be rejected. It was.
I found out what it felt like and it's not a pleasant feeling. However I picked myself up and entered it in the Scottish Quilt Championships where it has won the Wholecloth Award. I'm delighted and my faith in this piece has been restored (grin),


  1. Wow - rejected? On what grounds???? It is just stunning! Glad the Scottish saw it's beauty and gave it the award it deserves!

  2. I ditto what Jane said! Your work is ab-fab and what do the French know anyway? LOL

  3. Sally, the quilt is wonderful, I'm glad that it won in Scotland. Your quilting skills are fabulous!

  4. Congratulations on your Scottish win ! Dont feel bad about the French show ... Things can get rejected for all sorts of reasons in juried entries -depends on the criteria of the individual show and how each juror interprets them. What suits one show doesn't another.

  5. Thank you for your comment on my blog and many congratulations to you too Sally :o)

  6. I know the feeling, Sally. My quilt, Dancing Feathers, was rejected too !
    Your quilt is wonderful, congratulations !

  7. It's really difficult to fathom sometimes why opinions about a piece differ so much. I think the French decision must have been influenced by something that's not obvious to all of us. Perhaps there was a hidden mandate from the sponsors that everything had to include chickens or something!! We'll never know. But it's true worth has been recognised, so well done you and congratulations.
