Everyday quilts

Wednesday 24 December 2008

Merry Christmas

I was going to leave wishing you all Merry Christmas until tomorrow morning but then I realised all the bloggers in Australia and New Zealand would already be in bed, so...
MERRY CHRISTMAS! This is the wonderful cake Steph made for us (already cut into) and the table laid ready for tomorrow (well nearly).
I'm excited. My niece has come over to England with her three children and husband. It seems ages since we had excited little children at Christmas, it brings out the child in me, I've even been tracking Santa's progress.


  1. Looks wonderful Sally...have a wonderful Christmas and New Year

  2. Sally, you're lucky to have a friend in Steph....that cake looks too yummy. The table reminds me of the ones my gram set, with cranberry colored water goblets and even crystal salt cellars (do they still make those?)

    I wish you the merriest of holidays and include you in my gratitude list. Thanks for your friendship.

  3. It will be Christmas here in 33 minutes, so I'll wish you a merry one right now.

  4. Your table looks so festive. Have a splendid Christmas.
