Everyday quilts

Sunday 10 May 2009

OK, so I lied

It wasn't 12" across only 10"

Although they are called tree peonies, shrub peonies would be more apt. (perhaps if they live to 100 years they might make trees?)

Yesterday I was asked if they were perfumed, well the pale pink ones are, the darker ones not. They come in yellows as well but I don't have those in my garden so I don't know.
It's no wonder these fabulous plants were reserved for the Japanese Emperors.


  1. Well even 10" across is pretty impressive! I have seen the tree peonies in catalogs and I think they are fairly small trees even when grown up.

  2. What a difference a few hundred miles make---ours are just at the budding stage !
    Yours are lovely :-)

  3. I love the scent of peonies. My grandma had planted them along the fenceline that separated the yard from the barn lot and when the breeze caught them, the smell was heavenly. I can smell them right now while I'm typing this...memory holds smells too. Thanks for sharing your lovely blooms.
