Everyday quilts

Thursday 14 May 2009


In the middle of trying to find out what on earth had happened to my sister after she was taken away by ambulance from the airport, I got a call saying this quilt had won the Stars and Stripes theme at Quilts UK. I collect my award on Sunday.
My sister is not well but OK having slept after being on oxygen over night. (perhaps I should let you know it's not swine flu, she has a long-standing condition, sarcoidosis)


  1. I would have given you the prize!!! Just gorgeous! What pattern did you use? Congratulations! (and hpe your sis is better.)
    Brenda, in NY state, USA

  2. Well done, Sally, and many congratulations!
    Rosemary K

  3. Glad to hear your sister is on the mend - many congratulations on your award at Quilts UK - due recognition for a beautiful quilt

  4. Sorry about your sister Sally. Ever so well done with the quilt though - well deserved as it is beautiful.

  5. Sally, I'm glad to hear that your sister is improving -- and congratulations on your award. I can certainly see why it won! :)

  6. Commiserations to your sister and congratulations to yourself for winning a First Prize for that lovely quilt which would look perfect in my bedroom.

    Babs McInnis

  7. Yeah .. many congratulations - well deserved! Get well soon wishes to your sister.

  8. Congratulations Sally! I haven't had a chance to see the theme quilts yet (been much too busy on my stand) but hope to see yours tomorrow - though I feel like I "know" it already LOL. See you on Sunday?

    Your quilt is beautiful.Well deserved win.Love the colours and your quilting.
    Speedy recovery to your sister.

  10. Congratulations Sally!
    Another lovely quilt!!

  11. Sally it is so much deserved!! watching the process was just as exciting and now for the wonderful vote!
    I hope your sister recovers quickly to enjoy your journey.

  12. Hi Sally,

    You quilt is stunning.. absolutely stunning and definitely deserving of the win!!! Congratulations. I love all your work.

    I am also glad your sister is feeling better.

    Cindy in Seattle
    and a CyberQuilter friend

  13. Congrats on your award Sally. All that hard work and heart ache has paid off!

  14. Congratulations Sally!!! Once again we can delight in the recognition your work is receiving. The quilt is lovely, but then, so is all of your work .. particularly the quilting which is fantastic.

    When I grow up as a quilter, I would love to create even a small project that is even close to the work you do.. May much success lie ahead in your future.

    One of your CyberQuilters friend
