Everyday quilts

Thursday 7 May 2009

Two photos of one quilt, two cameras, same conditions

Not a lot done this week except this piece with which I'm very pleased. (ignore the white lines, they'll be washed out).
Both these photos were taken on Auto with flash, the first with the Fuji, the second with the Olympus.

Last Friday a new quilter came to the house, she said she couldn't do all the changing of threads involved in this piece. Then I showed her the variegated spool of thread and her eyes lit up.
All I need to do is stitch the binding down, bury the threads , wash it and then it's done!


  1. Lovely Sally. Which variagated did you use?
    thanks. Brenda in the Boro

  2. Lovely new piece.......love the colours!

    I have a Fugi - a point and click thing that I always use on Auto, I always get good photos - with little effort on my part.

  3. I love this! I lol'd at the thread change comment.

  4. I love this! I lol'd at the thread change comment.

  5. love it! what a difference in pics though...it really shows what a camera can do. I'm ready to move on up to a different camera too.
