I made this quilt from an idea in a magazine, I 'think' it was QNM a few months ago and I 'think' it was a Kaffe Fasset quilt. It just seemed too easy for words and it was. I started with a strip 14½" X 2½" and then just kept adding more 2½" wide strips in a background colour (pale blue on white) alternating with prints. To stop it distorting whilst stitching I kept the background fabric on top for every seam.
Whilst trying to pin the backing, I had a little 'help' from George.

It's not a great quilt but it will serve it's purpose as a quilt for the sofa. It's finished at about 60" X 72" and at the moment I'm quilting feathers on all the background fabric. I may or may not quilt the prints, if and when I can decide what would look good.

I might not be the most beautiful quilt in the world but it has got me started again.