Everyday quilts

Tuesday 8 June 2010


I don't normally cut flowers from the garden but very heavy rain is forecast tomorrow so these have been bought in as a rescue mission.
A couple of weeks ago I found a hole in the road outside our house. It was about 8" round but I could see it went right under the road. I put a broomstick down and it disappeared completely. The council fenced it off and today they started digging. And kept digging. The hole didn't only go down it goes right under the road. I thought it quite dangerous but the 8 ton digger went over it without the road collapsing so I should be OK in my little Smart car.


  1. Just a little hole then? LOL the flowers look wonderful on the mantle. (It's rained all day here, and is forecast for the 'hole' (grin) week)

  2. We had a similar hole appear in one of the main roads in town and the whole town was disrupted for about a month while they relined the Victorian sewers that had collapsed beneath the road!

  3. My gosh - thats some hole!! THe flowers are beautiful!

  4. Congrats on getting a mention in Patchwork and Quilting magazine. Well done.

  5. "getting a mention in Patchwork and Quilting magazine."

    Where area you mentioned? I've only flipped through my magazine so far.

  6. What beautiful flowers! I had to do that with some of my peonies.

    Some "hole"...they have any ideas where it leads?

  7. Hole indeed!! 8" !
    I love flower rescue missions...any excuse will do, although I do feel a prickle of guilt as I snip them. This passes once they are indoors though.
