Everyday quilts

Monday 23 August 2010

Festival of Quilts 2010

My haul (more than I thought...)
1 is Heide Stoll Weber's fabulous hand dye
2 some super shot fabrics (wholecloths in my mind)
3 some Kaffe Fasset (I've finally given in and started a collection)
4 some Indonesian hand dyes
5 incredibly shiny satin (see 2 above)
6 fabric with roses (I see these roses cut out and used broderie perse style)
7 Stunningly printed fabric ( I can see these roses cut out as well but truly I fancy some summer trousers, which idea will win?)
8 Some wonderful creamy marble fabric from the American Quilt Store (they are going to get more for me so I can use it as background)
9 Tana lawn type cotton to make another very light weight 100% cotton night dress which I don't seem able to buy.
10, 11 and 12 Are thick shiny threads (for wholecloths), gold and copper fabric paint with brush (given to me by some super Dutch people) and a gold pen and gold and silver pencils from Art Van Gogh
13 'Real' thread charts as opposed to printed ones. I wish the thread people would have more of these. I order the threads I have 'real' samples of and don't order the ones which I can only see a printed impression.

This was the first year the Best of Show winner was agreed with every one who saw it. Totally amazing. This quilt is about 8" square and all those little points are perfect. Just awesome work and style. I'd tell you the Japanese lady's name but my show guide is upstairs. She said it took her three months working full time to complete. I think this is amazingly quick as working small can often take longer than full size. I would be delighted to have made this quilt at any size. I am in awe.

My drive to the show involved two road closures and detours where the detour signs ran out.  I got lost big time on both routes. On the way home on Sunday I chose a different route avoiding these closures only to find another road closed. All I had in my head for the last half hour was a cup of tea.
I'm telling you this by way of explaining how when presented with the above, I did the most horrible thing ever. I am a terrible person. I rejected the champagne and put the kettle on. We did have the champagne in the afternoon but I know I spoiled the effort of my husband to celebrate my win at the World Quilt Show. I cannot tell you how guilty I feel.


  1. sorry, but i hadn't spotted any fuchsia sandals at FoQ ;-)
    i hope we can meet up next year.

    p.s. my blog post is not ready yet...

  2. Many congrats on the win! Well deserved!

  3. That quilt is AMAZING I wish I got to see it in person.

  4. Lack of spoons will turn anyone into a temporary monster - but it is only temporary and I'm sure that your husband understands!

    Well done on your win - super terrific news after your battle with the quilt to get it just right!
