Everyday quilts

Thursday 23 September 2010

I have been doing some quilting!

Firstly I quilted this little top which will be the raffle quilt at a coffee morning organised by one of the members of a local quilt group. I used YLI fine gold metalic thread and was delighted at how it behaved itself. It's only about 40" square.
Then I quilted the feathers on the wholecloth I designed a little while back. I'm trying to decide whether or not to quilt it down between the feathers. If I do, I shall do it with white silk thread to make the background quilting as unobtrusive as possible. The feathers have been quilted with a vareigated blue to almost white Aurifil thread. I haven't washed out the markings yet so I can't see the full effect. I might have to do a little sample piece before I decide.
The back looks quite cool. I need to spend this evening burying the threads.
Meanwhile, I bought some old American Quilter magazines (the AQS ones) and found an article of reverse machine applique (I think the writer named it something different). She used the technique to make pictures. I'm doing something completely different.... Wait and see.
As always, click on the photos to get a good look.


  1. Your work is beautiful! I'm just starting FMQ; your work is what I aspire to!

  2. your feathers are 'out of this world'! That is where they shine the best, on a whole cloth quilt. How big is this one?

  3. Sally, Beautiful wholecloth! I wouldn't quilt between the feathers because I love the looks of it now. It will look lovely either way though!

  4. Hi Sally - I've just found you through a link on 'Quiltsalot'. Your work is lovely - I must come back and read more - right now I need to get myself organised to go to the Autumn Quilt Show at Ingliston (Edinburgh). Regards, Anne
    ps - I lived in Hampshire in the 80s!

  5. I have to say that I have for years loved the way the YLO metallic behaves; if anyone has an alternative brand it would be great to know.
    Valerie Nesbitt

  6. Your quilting is inspirational, something to aspire to one day.
