Everyday quilts

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Remember the bright fabric?

Well this is how it looked when I started cutting away the top fabric.
And here it is with nearly all the cutting away finished. (I'm tempted to leave those big circles).

Recently I bought some old American Quilter's. In one of them was an article about reverse machine applique. It involved having a picture of the work on the back, stitching through each area of applique with very small stitches, then cutting away the excess. I liked the idea of the method, but the work was finished with satin stitch. I know I shouldn't have any prejudices, but I do and satin stitch applique is it. I am not enamoured however well it is executed, to me it's an ugly finish.
So I have an idea that's good and a finish which isn't. I have also been toying with different ways of creating circles, variations of double wedding rings and the like. I thought this method would look good with thirties fabric and blanket stitch applique, you could even do each ellipse a different colour. Then I remembered the Kaffe Fasset fabrics I bought at the FOQ. One on top, one underneath and one for the borders. This should be quite quick  (though the cutting away is taking 10 times as long as I had thought it would).
I'm hoping to get the quilting on the wholecloth finished tomorrow or Friday. This is one quilt which has turned out so much quicker than I thought, so little background and so many feathers. (I must remember that).


  1. So THAT'S how it's done! There's me thinking you had to place, pin & sew each individual piece - this makes far more sense.

  2. What an interesting method, you would have to love the fabric for the front. Not sure I'd be good at fiddling with the cutting bit.

  3. I like the circles you left behind uncut. It would be way too busy. The circles add perspective for me.
    Cari J.
    No. Calif
