Everyday quilts

Thursday 28 October 2010

Sending me quietly insane.

Firstly blogger deciding to rotate this photo.  Why?
And secondly all those little circles, I love the effect but terminally boring now I'm on the 2nd quilt with them. In real life the effect is like the skin of a very large lizard, wonderful!


  1. The rotation has happened to me twice too, and I thought it was my new camera. I asked blogger to look into it a few weeks ago and have not had a reply...

  2. blogger likes to randomly do that. It' really annoying there is no rhyme or reason to it.

  3. nice effect Sally, but you're so right about the endless pebbling being boring.

  4. Oh, but it is soooo pretty! I decided after the first one that when my darning plate comes in I want to try feathers and stones... I like to dive headfirst and blindfolded into things like this.

  5. Having seen all those little circles in the flesh, it's well worth the effort...just be thankful you are not doing them by hand!

  6. That is breathtakingly beautiful.. Even if it drives you to distraction, you have to finish it - we all want photos of the finish!
