Everyday quilts

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Any idea what these birds are

Not as big as woodpeckers and there were three of them, I could not see the colour as they were against the sky so just these picures and they are better than I could see with my eyes. I liked their crests.
Found them here.


  1. are they brown? Could be cedar waxwing

  2. Cedar waxwings live only in North America. Could be their cousin the Bohemian Waxwing. They eat berries and insects.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. http://blx1.bto.org/birdfacts/results/bob10480.htm ? Waxwing too.

  5. I was going to suggest waxwing too!
    I 've seen them here in cold winters but not usually this late

  6. Your pictures are lovely and would make good prints. I don't know what they are.

  7. They do look like waxwings- although when we get them here (Northen England)there is usually quite a flock of them.
    They appear here in cold spells and feast on the berries of a cotoneaster hedge.
    Could also be jays?

  8. I think they may be hoopoes. That name leapt into my mind as soon as I saw your photos.
    But waxwings are also a possibility!
    Hoopoes are larger than waxwings - about the size of a large thrush while waxwings are more the size of a starling.

  9. Sorry, just checked in a bird book. The beak is all wrong for a hoopoe.

  10. Definitely a Waxwing; they'll be leaving for Scandinavia and Russia soon. There has been a huge influx this winter and they have been gradually moving westwards. They arrive when the winters get harsh over in the east - or the food runs out. Look here for the full colour version: http://www.birdguides.com/species/species.asp?sp=124001
