Everyday quilts

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Work in Progress Wednesday.

Not quick by any measure, this one flower has taken most of today with  breaks to make a couple of cups of tea, and accpet and put away the supermarket delivery....
There are three flowers on this block and four repeats of the block. It might take more time than I thought....


  1. Okay everyone, I realised it was Tuesday after I posted this. A lot of pain, not much sleep and loads of pills are to blame....

  2. That's ok Sally... I thought today was Thursday. Which means that I can do Wednesday all over.....Oh Good Grief!!!
    When are they going back to school??????

  3. That is OK somewhere it is Wednesday. Love your block. Great colours.

  4. Well, it's Wednesday now...I'm loving this block and your colour scheme...can't wai to see the finished quilts!

    Best Wishes
    Kay in Scotland

  5. Love your fabrics; you are all ready ahead of me????? So please to see you back quilting.

  6. I'm sure somewhere it was Wednesday already :)
    What lovely fabric is this, never saw it before.
    Mac (in the Netherlands)

  7. Yes it probably will take longer than you think! Anyhow, don't worry as I dont know what day it is either- I am in a post production slump. I am exhausted! Need tea and bed rest. Quilting is serious work!

  8. Sally, I love what you are doing with Ester's Hearts Desire pattern. I am running out of some fabrics and am having difficulty getting suitable replacements because I am using older fabric in odd colours. After seeing your layout my head is just spinning with ideas. Thank you so much. I needed someone to kick me out of the mental box I was buries in. I follow your blog regularly and I think your work is just grand.
    Braeside, Ontario, Canada
