Everyday quilts

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Block4 changed for 30's fabric

I've replaced the triangles at the sides of block 4 with a feather to link with the central block. Each feather has 22 lobes and there are eight of them. This little bounty of prepared lobes has taken me the best part of today and I've still only prepared 8 for each feather. The triangles seem a much better option now but having started, I shall finish!
Yesterday was spent redrawing the block and copying the new feathers onto the fabric.
You can see the old vase which has been whitened out.
I have an awful feeling I shall want to add something or other to the vase... Why can I not leave well alone?


  1. Oh Sally this is really going to be Sally’s quilt!!!!! With those feathers & the vase it goes so well with the 1930's fabrics. It's looking fab. Cheers Glenda

  2. Wow Sally it will be so beautiful and different with those fabrics. So nice to see so many creative minds.

  3. Sally this looks beautiful. I love your vase design. I'm in awe of uour talent. Cheers Jenny

  4. You have so much patience. Come to think of it that is probably why you produce such lovely original work - that and your talent of course.

  5. Lovely just lovely. I like that you put your own twist. YOU GO GIRL.LOL

  6. Looks terrific can't wait to see it completed. Chrisb
