Everyday quilts

Friday 26 August 2011

Just for me to get an idea of how it shall look

I wanted to see if I was right about the red hearts and the green shapes in the centre block looking too heavy once I added that innver border and I think it was as I had feared. I'm going to try to overlay the red and the green with other fabrics with the same shapes but smaller so the red and green only show round the edge of each motif.....
Esther did warn us there would be a lot of applique but never did I imagine it would be this much (grin). I love her quilt but being the egoist that I am, I have to do more to make it mine. The vases and the inner border is a start, I think the next border will be all mine.....


  1. I love this Sally and I agree that the red hearts outweigh the other parts although I don't feel the same about the green but it might be a bit hard to tell from the photo.
    What a great idea to applique over it and leave the original peeping out. It will be fabulous when you finished. You are very brave to attempt it.

  2. The layout looks fantastic.I also agree about what you are going to try with the red and green as the colours there are so much more intense at the moment that your eye is immediately drawn to them. Like the way you are personalising it.

  3. This is really showing the thinking process of a master quilter ; I really didn't think you could make anyone else's design without many tweaks ;-)))

  4. I love this, and I would love to see the flowers pointing out too for way of comparison. This quilt is looking superb!
