Everyday quilts

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Work in Progress Wednesday.

As you can see, I haven't done much this week. Indeed although I worked through most of today all I managed was to prepare three of the flowers and stitch down two of them, this appliqué eats time.
I also did a little work on the International Challenge piece, this was not so sucessful, but a lesson learned.


  1. That looks quite a lot to me. The applique design is gorgeous.

  2. I agree with Maggi. Those flowers look like they have lots of pieces. Looks good!


  3. It is very time consuming, but so very worth the time! Just keep on it, you will finish eventually.
    . It is beautiful so far

  4. Your blocks are looking wonderful!

    I laughed when I read your profile - I've got to such an age that when I look in the mirror I see my father! I can assure that is much worse than seeing your mother.

  5. You are right, applique is very time consuming but worth the time spent on it.

  6. Looks like a lot of stitching to me. Pretty blocks.

  7. Not done much? Looks plenty to me! Such a pretty design & looks like hard work.

  8. Fantastic progress; I wish I was that far, I still only have one of those blocks completed!!!!!!!! Cheers Glenda

  9. Hi Sally, hope you are feeling better this week.

    Yes, these flowers really are time consuming but they do look brilliant, your fabric choices are superb as usual.

    I really look forward to seeing each bit of progress you make on this quilt. It's always excellent.

  10. Your blocks look gorgeous already with those beautiful fabrics. It does take time but it's worth it.
