Everyday quilts

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Getting on with both hand and machine applique projects.

First I lay the leaves in place. I find it so much easier to mark the background rather than use an overlay. To find your own pen to do this, just put 'perfect pen' in the little search box at the top left.
I am not happy with the stem on this. I used a Clover 6mm (or quarter inch) bias binding maker. On the machine applique I have used bias bars and got a better result. I have also found whilst stitching, that leaving the three layers of freezer paper in place makes it difficult to hand applique where one piece overlaps another. So when I design the next round, I shall prepare the pieces with starch and not glue and remove the paper prior to placing on the background.

And now to the next round of machine applique.
I am actually a little further along on this but the camera is upstairs. I have appliqued these down (only on the first of four borders) and have started stitching the stems and the leaves.

And great joy. I was sure I had another 7 metres of the background fabric for this quilt but despite turning the studio upside down, it just wasn't there.... I trailed round the Festival of Quilts asking if anyone had some... no luck there. So I decided that I would just stop at this border. Decision made. And of course once that decision was made and I made my prayers to St Jude, it turned up under the pile of fabrics for the hand appliqued quilt . Yay!!!


  1. These fabrics are lovely Sally, and lovely stitching too. When I saw your name in the links I thought may be Sally has started LE I'd better check this out but no LE photos. LOL.

  2. I think I would mark my background too, if I used pre-turned pattern pieces. With needleturn I find an overlay easier.
    Your fabrics are wonderful! The whole thing will be stunning!

  3. Pretty! Can't wait to see it finished.

  4. Sally, what is the name of that pattern? I love those wonderful flowing flowers. Don't you just hate it when you have to search and search for something? I have to admit this happens to me more than I would like. So glad you ended up finding the rest of the fabric.

  5. Beautiful fabrics love the softness of this.

  6. It's such a pleasure to read your post - lovely applique!
