Everyday quilts

Friday 4 October 2013

Another glorious book on Chintz.

Published by the Victoria and Albert Museum, CHINTZ Indian Textiles for the West by Rosemary Crill is another fabulous book of fabulous chintz photographs. I won't go into the history of why we started producing chintz in Europe, you can find that in the Kay Triplett, Xenia Cord book, but this is what we were copying.

The book is 145 pages with loads of good photos of chintz style. Again I have just taken pages at random.

Thankfully this book is a hundred pages shorter than the Quiltmania Chitz book which means I can read it in bed...

My credit card has been hit hard this month with book and fabric purchases, I need to stop buying and start getting on with my two works on the go. I still haven't finished the low contrast centre and am only half way through the second border on the machine applique piece. In my head I can see both of these getting done in a week, in real life it takes so much longer. I have so many new ideas to make, I want to start them now. I am like a two year old at Easter wanting to eat all my eggs and sweets in one go.

In my defense I have made a pretty pair of curtains for Fliss's room.

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