Everyday quilts

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Good news, very good news and not so good news

 Firstly I have most of the border twists sewn on. I just have to draft those corners. Yay me! I cannot fit it all in the photo, the top now measures 95" X 95" and I have nowhere with this amount of free space. I think when it is done, I can dismantle the table, move the chairs elsewhere, set up my quilt stand and use the height of the vaulted ceiling in the dining area to get a shot. I think. I will not know until I try and as it will be such a big thing to organise, it won't happen until it is finished, quilted and bound.

Remember the lovely book I recomended in my last post? I thought the fabric looked familiar. I went through my stash and found it. Mine is not 200 years old like the one on the cover, just 29 years old. In 1985 we lost Laura Ashley in a tragic event. In this same year she developed this fabric. I wonder if she roamed the floors of the Victoria and Albert museum? Her version lacks a few of the tiny details, but the difference is negligible.
And the dust jacket opened out on the fabric.
I know I have shown other chintz of vintage Laura Ashley fabrics before. My stash of them is slowly growing.
This Chinoiserie one I picked up just this week.

And the bad news? My hard drive died on Sunday. I bought a whole new PC yesterday and it was delivered today. It is plugged in and all the bits and bobs, screen, keyboard, mouse, speakers etc are all plugged into it. I have not turned it on yet, tomorrow will be early enough to come to terms with the dreaded Windows 8.

This time I decided to go the route most people take and bought it from a retail shop (John Lewis). Normally we buy our kit from company suppliers but they really don't give a tuppence ha'penny when things go wrong. And like cobbler's children who don't get new shoes, the amount of PC support I get at home is lamentable. It is a long drive to find a shop selling PC's and John Lewis department store give free next day delivery to their sister company, Waitrose Supermarkets and we have one of those just 3 or 4 miles down the hill.
I couldn't resist picking up these lovely flowers.
I always feel it is a delightful extravagance to buy flowers for the kitchen (and I have a couple of large vases of lillies on the dining table when it doesn't have a quilt top draped over it) but when we spend more time in here than any other room, it makes sense.


  1. Oh my gosh that is such a large quilt and how lovely it looks with its edging going on now. Fabulous fabrics there to play with some time in the future, and what a treasure you have with the book. You can never have tow many flowers in a house LOL. Cheers Glenda

  2. Oh my gosh that is such a large quilt and how lovely it looks with its edging going on now. Fabulous fabrics there to play with some time in the future, and what a treasure you have with the book. You can never have tow many flowers in a house LOL. Cheers Glenda

  3. G'day Sally,
    Looking forward to seeing this awesome quilt finished. - I have to take my big ones outside to photograph. Grab my DS#2 and his professional gear and pretend we are doing a magazine shoot! ;-)
    Cheers Wendy.

  4. I wondered about using tables pushed together at a local church. I have decided to skip Windows 8 and go straight to 10.

  5. Your appliqué is beautiful and thanks for the picture of the beautiful Laura Ashley fabric. So sorry about the PC. When they work......


  6. Beautiful quilt - hope that you do manage to get a 'flat shot' of it when it's finished so that you can show us!
    So interesting to see the book cover / fabric.
    Hope that your PC adventure goes well. Always a time wasting activity, setting everything up anew, isn't it?

  7. That quilt will be a glorious finish!! "Laura Ashley"....a name I've not thought about in ages!!! Love EVERYTHING "Laura"!! The book jacket/fabric is exquisite....luxury, elegance personified. A treasure!!! Dreamy post! Hugs from across the pond!

  8. That quilt is just beautiful. I love the design you came up with for the border. So interesting about the fabric. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Your quilt top is lovely. Can't wait to see the finish. I recently purchased that book online, arriving Friday. You are so lucky to have some of the fabric from the cover. Wish I could find it. Sounds like you have a nice collection of vintage fabrics.

  10. How fun to have the fabric on the book. :) And it sure is a gorgeous one, too. And: WAY TO GO with your quilt! So much love and work in it - you must be excited to be this close to the finish.

  11. How fun to have the fabric on the book. :) And it sure is a gorgeous one, too. And: WAY TO GO with your quilt! So much love and work in it - you must be excited to be this close to the finish.

  12. WOW that fabric sings out to me! I love it! As for your PC, I have had no end of computer troubles and I think I'm just too old to keep upgrading every few years (although I do, you have to) and I am *just* getting a grip on Windows 7 and I'm not ready for 8. My DD has it and I hate it, I really hope they do something else before I have to upgrade.
