Everyday quilts

Tuesday 11 November 2014

I got all those hexagons appliqued.

I would post a photo but honestly it looks just the same as it did in my last post but finished.
Now I have to work on the next round.
I spent time cutting hundreds of 1 1/2" squares. I need to punch some more 1/2" heagons but I have enough to be going on with.
 I have run out of compartments in the nail polish box I bought to store the hexagons, so I bought 3 of these from a supermarket in the tool department. I lightly use the glue stick on the hexagon to hold it in place for basting. The reds in the above box are similar but not quite the same.

I know I am doing a scrappy look to this quilt top but I like to keep each fabric separate so I can spread the colours evenly (or put a bit of zing in where I want it, not just by accident).

Do you remember the disaster of the flood in my studio? Find the sad story here. Well the same thing has happened again. Same reason. I am not happy. The bath was cleaned yesterday, not from being used but just because it gets dusty from not being used. (we all shower). And the tap was not quite turned off. This time the water avoided the freezer paper but went into the drawers. This is when I found one of the red fabrics runs, and runs badly..... I wish I had taken a photo before I put it in the machine. Then only some of the daisies had turned pink. I put the white hexagon there as a contrast to show what colour they were. The peachy red thing on it is a colour catcher. Poor little things, those colour catchers didn't stand a chance against this fabric.

So I guess I shall be clearing up for the next couple of days.... sigh.  Luckily it only ran into two smallish other bits of fabric which had been folded four times .



  1. So sorry about your leak. I love how you have organised your hexagons!

  2. Oh my, Sally! That fabric has more loose dye in it than I'd ever have believed. How awful!

  3. Sorry about the flooding. This makes me consider waning all new fabric, like I did when I started quilting. I would hate to have my fabric bleed when washing a quilt, or if washing it with other fabrics.

  4. half inch hexagons? oh my! I struggle with my 1 inch ones.

  5. How annoying! I'm sorry you've had this domestic set back, it can really get in the way of things when that happens. Can't wait to see more of your scrappy hexes.
