Everyday quilts

Thursday 30 April 2015


Remember my post here about my wonderful RuleSteady?

My Fibro is getting worse and I am not sure if I could cut fabric without it anymore. It is a very expensive bit of kit, particularly by the time it is shipped over to England from Australia.

I dropped it. It broke. I was devastated.
 Then a couple of weeks later someone on Facebook had broken a ruler and people suggested she could fix it with a product called Plastic Surgery. It is relatively easy to buy over there. I found it from an American seller on Amazon UK. It took longer than normal to arrive, over 3 weeks. I read the instructions and it sounded a little like Superglue as it sets in seconds.

I unscrewed the wooden handle and this is when I saw it was broken on both sides.... I had nothing to lose at this point.

And it has worked. I waited 24 hours before I tried it out and it is fine. I am so happy.

Last Friday we went to lunch at the Bell at Skenfrith. I had been told it was pretty round there. It was magical. We have so many magical places round here, I love it. I took my camera but the batteries were flat but DH had his phone. Heaven save me from iPhones. I have no idea why, but on every photo it took eleven shots in rapid sucession.
I shall share what I managed to take.
A pretty little house, possibly the vicarage. The church is right behind it and the castle to the right.

 People were shorter then....

 The river Monnow runs right beside the castle. A swan was nesting on the island.

I imagine when it is warm, the temptation to get into the river is irresistable.
 I couldn't work out if the wooden structure on the church was a dove cote or not.
 The doors are scaled down. I suspect the church gets flooded and those sandbags are evidence.

Such a pretty place. I would love to live there but the flood risk would worry me.


  1. Glad you found a glue to fix your broken plastic. Great photos - magical places, really. Thanks for explaining since, in my mind, I wondered "were people that much shorter then?" Must have been ESP at a great distance.

  2. Great post......a fairy tale location for sure and I definitely share your flooding concerns (our area, not our home, is at risk each Spring from the melting snows and the Mississippi River). I am thrilled that your ruler "fix" was a successful one. These needed tools are such a huge investment that such damage is deeply felt! Hugs.....

  3. The photos of the Norman castle are absolutely fascinating and it is nice that Mister stood by the opening to give a sense of scale. People must have been considerably shorter back then.

    So glad you were able to repair your ruler!

  4. Church belltower with double tier dovecote, apparently....

    1. Thank you. I thought it was but wondered about all the resultant mess in a church.....

  5. I think you will find that the multiple photos are caused by a heavy finger on the go button. LOL. Try tapping lightly and see if that fixes the problem. The little place is very pretty. I have just spent 3 weeks in England and marvelled at the gorgeous little nooks and crannies. Mind you Spring this year has just been perfect. Just went back and reread your post - I was at Monmouth about 10 days ago. Such a pretty area.

    1. Would a heavy finger cause exactly 11 each time? I didn't have this problem with other iPhones just his iPhone 6. I love my big Samsung.

  6. Aren't you lucky in where you live! - lovely photos. Glad the ruler got fixed.

  7. Beautiful photos, enjoyed them very much! You do live in lovely country.

  8. Oh so glad you were able to repair that ruler. What a lovely place you shared with us. Thank you!

  9. woohoo! I love my RuleSteady.. so glad you were able to fix it

  10. My 6 does the same thing, have to be light to take the photo. or use the volume buttons on the left, they also will snap the picture when in picture mode.
    Gorgeous old castle, such a pretty area. Love your quilting, thanks for sharing a bit of your world.
