Everyday quilts

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Don't change the bathroom just before Christmas....

I really must blog more often. Life gets in the way. I had a plan to swap out my bath tub and replace it with a shower of the same dimensions. Now troubling the rest of the bathroom or the floor tiles. Or so I thought. And whilst we were at it, we would replace both radiators in the bathrooms with chrome heated towel rails. Sounds simple doesn't it.  It appears the current tiles were not laid properly and three came up when the radiator was removed. Yes they could have been stuck down but knowing how much wetter the floor will get with a shower rather than a bath we decided to replace the floor.  Well that meant, I didn't have to have a long narrow shower so a new shower enclosure had to be chosen and bought immediately as the plumber was here.  And of course the new square shower means where the wall is wrecked from removing the tiles round the bath and will have to be replastered.  Having so much done, meant it would be a shame not to replace the sink and the loo at the same time..... and so it goes on. So why is there a quilt in the photo? This is one of my plumbers dust sheets..... It was given to him by a previous customer and already had paint etc on it. Shame on him!

I meant to take a 'before' shot but forgot.  This is fairly much how it was but the bath is full or tiles, radiators etc.
 The tiles took a lot of arranging to get an even (ish) distribution of colour and then they all had to be labelled to be laid down. I took this photo as you can often see details in a photo that are not immediately obvious. That pink tile had to be moved..... and it was.
This was half an hour ago.

Fliss came up and decorated the tree for us. Next year the tree will be downsized....


  1. fabulous tiles Sally! And lovely job on the tree Fliss, next year will you do mine please?!

  2. Love the tiles, can you make sure that we have an after shot. Would love to see how they look all finished. I know exactly what you are saying about one small renovation turning into a major one, same happened to us.

  3. Beautiful tiles Sally, you are going to have the most wonderful floor quilt imaginable!!
    Your tree looks beautiful too. Have a wonderful Christmas. Cheers Jenny

  4. Oh Sally... I have done my fair share of Bathroom renovations (including the tiling) so I well know the mess. Years ago, my Father decided to grout the new kitchen tiles the morning of my 21st birthday party (which was not at home) - Mother was NOT impressed!
    Christmas Blessings - Wendy.

  5. Oh, I feel your pain -- we ripped apart the kitchen a few years back at Christmas time. It was supposed to be just new countertops and then it turned into SO MUCH MORE... Your new bathroom will be worth it in the end. Also, SHAME ON THAT PLUMBER and SHAME ON WHOMEVER GAVE HIM THAT QUILT AS A RAG!!! Is it all hand appliqued?! I am pretty sure that Dante Alighieri wrote about a special circle of Hell for people who are quilt abusers!

  6. Wonderful tiles. Have you collected them from different sources?

  7. Hi Sally did you rescue the old quilt?????? or was it to far damaged what a shame; it all most makes me cry so much work and time ending up a floor duster????? I can not believe you have a quilt flooring going down it looks fantastic, what fun to walk in to first thing every morning, it would make you feel good straight away. What fun you are having this Xmas LOL If I don't drop in next week Merry Christmas Sally and see you in the New Year. . Cheers Glenda

    1. I didn't, if it were a puppy, it would be the one with mange, smelly and a terminal illness.... I have rescued dogs like this but a quilt.... no lols
      Merry Christmas!

  8. A glorious tree and that bathroom floor is going to be fabulous! Thanks for sharing, and Merry Christmas
