Everyday quilts

Monday 29 October 2007

Back home and a nice simple 19thC quilt

We went up last Thursday, Steph and I.
Steph has always been wonderful; now I know she is heroic. As you have seen the cottage was a disaster and filthy. We arrived at 11.30am and by the time we went to bed Steph had not only cleaned the sitting room within an inch of it's life, she had also repainted it. Whilst there amongst other things, she painted the breakfast room, the kitchen and the family room, repaired the split doors, made new panels for the side and end of the bath and more, much more...... I did what I could but no one could keep up with her.
On to something far more pleasant. At a friend's house I was told about this quilt. It was made by an ancestor of a friend. The maker was Elizabeth *****, and the quilt possibly dates from 1870. It comes from Wales.
It's simple quilt, pieced over papers, see the nice stitching.
I like the way it is faced.

And whilst the piecing stitches are quite fine the quilting is less so. Perhaps only 4 per inch.

I love the little prints.
Elizabeth made quilts for the farm workers and also made lace, embroidered and painted. Her other things were given to the National Trust for use in their properties and this quilt was sent back as it was unwanted.


  1. How could a quilt be unwanted!!! I hope it finds a good home with someone that appreciates it.

  2. When the going gets tough you really value a good friend don't you? Lovely old quilt

  3. Lovely old quilt...isn't it sweet that the old patterns really stay fresh and offers a lot of opportunity to experiment with color and placement.
    I was missing you!
