Everyday quilts

Thursday 1 November 2007

Remember me? I used to be a quilter

Because I've been no where near my sewing machine, I thought I'd gve you some very simple quilt layouts I've done on QuiltPro.
This is a very simple Kaleidescope in blues, I would work well as a scrap quilt just by sorting out your scraps into lights and darks.
So you can see the layout here it is in grey and white.

And here's a giant Carpenter's Star. This is based on 10" squares and with a couple of borders gives a decent sized bed quilt and gives lots of lovely large areas to do some fancy quilting in. Click on it to see it's just squares and half square triangles. For the whole squares cut 10½" and for the half square triangles, cut 10 7/8" squares and then cut once on the diagonal.

We're of back up to the cottage to sort out the odds and ends and make a start on the garden. (I hope it doesn't rain).


  1. I like the kaleidoscope pattern. Was it easy to make in EQ? I'm still looking for a pattern that I want to use for the workshop I'm going to in January. I like the suggestion of a dark and light colour.

  2. Don't know about EQ I've had four different versions and have yet to get my head round it.
    QuiltPro I find easy although it has it's limitations..

  3. I use QuiltPro too. I've had it since way back when. It was a Windows program when EQ was still DOS.
    I enjoy your blog.

  4. Sally, I love the kaleidoscope in the blues....absolutely electric. Is it just one block? I've never made a Kaleidoscope block...does it take special rulers, templates, stuff? LOL
    Gosh, though, I love it. And it looks like it's just one block!
