Everyday quilts

Tuesday 22 July 2008

I have been stitching, honestly

I've put a photo of this stuff up as a warning. Do not buy it! It shouldn't be sold. There is just no way you can eat just one slice of this. Colin and I managed to eat the whole loaf in just a couple of hours. We each sneaked back separately to the kitchen to have another slice until it was gone. You are far better off never having let it once slip through your lips.
I've been making my quickie labels for my quilts again. This time I did it with the zig zag set at about half way. I took it to straight stitch between some of the letters. I didn't use stabiliser but I did heavily starch the fabric before putting it in the hoop.

I might have been a little more elegant if I'd written on the fabric first, but as usual I wanted it done quickly and done is always better than not done (grin).

Going over the quilt carefully to check for any unburied threads I found this feather without the extra quilting on it. How did that happen? Anyway, I think it's all done now. The other quilt needs about another 40" of binding sewn down and then I can post them off. Yeah!

I have been coveting one of these for some time now. I gave in and bought it on Ebay for an astronomical sum. It's produced by Bernina USA . Who would have thought I'd lie in bed at night reading a manual for presser feet?

And just when you are sure there is nothing else in the world you covet along comes the new Bernina. Bigger throat, bigger bobbin, built in dual feed, faster, needle threader and loads loads more. Does anyone have any idea how much this object of desire costs?


  1. CJ on http://www.tinkletimes.com the other day was talking about it being between $10,000 and $12,000, yikes!

  2. Bernina UK are talking around £5000 at the moment and they won't arrive in UK till Spring 2009. The 820 which won't have the embroidery facility will be a lot cheaper.

    Looks like a brilliant machine!
