Everyday quilts

Thursday 24 July 2008

They're finished and in the post

You know just how hard you've worked when you have a little panic as they go out the door.....

So I'll see them again hanging at the Festival of Quilts at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham. If you have not been before, do go. This is the largest show in Europe and has quilts from all over the globe. Hotel rooms at the NEC were booked out ages ago but you can stay fairly nearby. It can be more than a little overwhelming if you try and do it all in a day. Some do but they are made of sturdier stuff than I, lols.
I was particularly pleased how well they both hung in the bedroom, it will be interesting to see what happens when they get there.......


  1. They're both beautiful - I hope neither suffer in transit and they look just as resplendant at their destination - well done!

  2. will be there on the saturday so I can see them in real life!! Both look impressive hung up.

  3. Wow, your hard work sure paid off! Theseare both lovely!

  4. Wow, your hard work sure paid off! Theseare both lovely!

  5. Beautiful, exquistite, wonderful, I'm running out of superlatives, but you can feel my admiration, I hope.

  6. Hi Sally,

    They are beautiful. Wish I could be there to see them hanging.
    It sounds like a wonderful quilt exhibition. I'll have to put it on my list of shows I'd like to attend when DH retires.

  7. I lived through all your traumas whilst working on these quilts Sally, Now I just want to see them bedecked with ribbons. You certainly deserve them.
