Everyday quilts

Thursday 6 November 2008

2 and bit stitched down and another of life's little pleasures

Are you like me, old enough to remember when cheese was good for you? Well these from the Truckle Cheese Company are good for your soul.The blue one is so creamy it can only have been made in heaven and the cheddar is creamy but bites you back. OH! Can you hear the pleasure?

So two and a bit borders stitched, one and a large bit to go. I really must do something about the wool batting coming out from hiding under the bed.........


  1. those borders are looking stunning when I see them laid out with the whole quilt top... make a nice finishing balance.

  2. Those cheeses look so good! I love, love cheese, good for you or not.
    The quilt looks perfect.

  3. That quilt is spectacular! I can't wait to see the final picture.

  4. I love cheese too and refuse to eat that glob of fat free or reduced fat that they are labeling as cheese. I know a lot of people who ate a lot of cheese and lived to ripe old ages.

    The quilt looks terrific!

  5. My theory is that I can pretty much eat what I want but just have to remember not to eat too much of the higher fat and sugar foods. I love, love tangy cheese and those two look yummy!
    Your border is the perfect ending to this great quilt!

  6. Oh Sally, that one is lovely and I think worth every effort. It's just absolutely stunning!

  7. I love how you've done the borders. I may "borrow" that idea!

    The cheese looks yummy, I've never had a creamy orange blue before.

  8. Hello, Michele sent me.

    I love cheese! I think I will have some for lunch today.

  9. Looking good, the border really changes the whole look of it.

  10. Wow! the whole effect is stunning - the borders were definitly the right ones even if they were tricky! Are you glad you persevered with them? I bet you are!
