Everyday quilts

Saturday 8 November 2008

No more stitching yet

Somehow beyond my understanding of my own life, I have a house valuation being carried out Monday. The stuff I haven't yet found a home for belongs in the bookcases which arrive on Thursday (you see the problem here?) Hey ho.

Thank you all for your comments on my border treatment, I love it too. I'm surprised how many of you think it is the final border. There will be at least one more, possibly two.......

Fliss is home for the weekend and if any of you think I'm getting help, she's not well and is sound asleep in her own bed.


  1. Count me among those who are shocked that you are adding additional borders! I can't imagine it and will look forward to seeing how it all plays out. Good luck with the house valuation!

  2. Does that lovely quilt really need more borders? what are you planning for it? I'm intrigued!
