Everyday quilts

Saturday 31 August 2013

It is time to call a halt.

I wanted a low contrast quilt but the more I work on this hand applique, the more I realise the contrast is not just low, it is nearly non existent. So................ I am going to start over.
I have some lovely lightweight linen but it is brilliant white. I also have some cotton linen mix which is a soft white. This is what I shall probably use but this is the one I have not prewashed yet to see what the shrinkage is and how it behaves...

I am gutted but know this is what must be done. I might be able to unstitch the 3 stars and use them in new work. Perhaps I shall make a cushion out of the centre .....


  1. Hi Sally, Thinking of your low-contrast quilt. Stop before ripping out. Maybe envsision a smaller peice but would this make a differece: embroidery outlining the pieces with a dark thread? Just speculating....Pepper

  2. Think when it is quilted and those shapes pop up it will look very classy!
    What about doing a simple square in that colourway and quilting it to see the effect?

  3. On the contrary Sally, I love it. Not 'in your face'.
    It looks so delicate. If I were you, walk away, leave it for a week or two then look again with refreshed inspirations.

  4. Sally, Set it aside and think about it for a while. Sometimes fresh eyes help with perspective and give you great new ideas.

  5. I've been thinking about your low contrast quilt since you posted this. I think what you've done so far is so nicely put together, TOO nicely put together - that I wouldn't discard it. Maybe darker threads like Pepper suggested or contrast quilting?

  6. Oh no! As other commenters say, can't it be used another way? Such a shame to waste all that beautiful work. I agree, put it away and come back to it after a while, it might redeem itself.

  7. I agree - come back to it fresh. Once you've quilted it, the low contrast will look right. It has a lovely balance to it and the quilting can give it the extra oomph you think it needs.

  8. Walk away, finish eventually and maybe a dash of Inktense pen here and there if you really must..........

  9. Oh Sally my heart dropped when I read that you were stopping on this lovely quilt, but I do understand how you feel, how ever there are some tiny things that can rescue what you have done so far and turn it in to a stunning child's quilt with what you ahve done so far. Many of the 1930's quilts were embroidered around each piece of completed appliqué in black or dark thread, if you have the patience this would end up a stunning child's special quilt. I do hope you are able to rescue it one day. Cheers Glenda Australia.

  10. Please put a bright white cotton batting behind your piece. You will be amazed at the difference it makes. Anne

  11. Some of you are set to no reply so I cannot answer your comments. I am going to finish this square, then quilt it with water soluble thread and just see how it looks when quilted. Anne suggested using bright white batting. Then linen/flax background is quite thick so I doubt it will make a difference. We shall see.
