Everyday quilts

Monday 2 September 2013

Well you lot gave me a lot to think about, lols.

Meanwhile I have been sewing away at the machine applique piece and the first border is done except for the middle flower which I shall leave until all four are done. Sorry about the distortion at the top, it is on the back of the sofa.
Someone last week commented that because this was machine applique it would be done in no time. So let me put you right. The prep work for hand or machine is the same. Applying by machine takes time, admittedly not as much as hand work but to do it well, it isn't fast at all. Three or four stitches and you have to stop, lift up the foot and turn the work round. This is not raw edge work. I have been asked after the judging at a show, by the judges themselves, how do I do that? And the answer is slowly and carefully and with 20 years of practice.

And as I get the final vote on the other piece, the hand applique, I haven't made up my mind yet, lols.

The poppies are still blooming their little heads off and a couple of them have come up with double flowers.


 I am not the most brilliant grower of hollyhocks and I always have them with rust and holes on their leaves. I love them anyway.
 I don't grow sunflowers, yellow and orange are not my colours but they just keep coming up near the bird feeders. I sometimes wonder if the birds actually eat sunflower seeds or just distribute them...


  1. Oh my!!! this is beautiful Sally. It looks rich. Awesome.

    Irene V

  2. Wow!! I am getting a feeling that I was right about running out of words when it is finished.....It is so exquisite already!

  3. Lovely color on that hollyhock. Rust or not, I'll take them anyway. Your piece is lovely, and so true about time with machine appliqué. I still lean towards hand appliqué. Using the machine takes me so much longer. Stop, lift, go, stop.
    If you ever enter one of your lovely works in the US shows I hope you will post it. I'd love to see one in person.

  4. Triple wows here. Those flowers are amazing - especially the hollyhock! I love your border - I'm just a beginner at applique, but I'm leaning toward machine applique. Even though it takes a bit of time, it is faster than my hand applique. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful work.

  5. Very nice blog Sally, enjoyed very much, flowers are beautiful also are the quilts. I just joined your blog and am inviting you to visit mine and join please, if you have the time.


  6. Your flowers are beautiful and so is your applique! I machine appliqued some trees on a wall hanging that took forever. There were very few places that I could even take four stitches without turning the fabric. You've done a fantastic job, and I look forward to seeing the finished product.
