We didn't get to bed until about 3am so DD and DH have gone up for a sleep to catch up now. Being an insomniac means this amount of sleep has become quite normal for me. But it does mean I can't get on with much as I don't want to wake them.

You might have noticed I've joined a webring for machine quilters. There is some serious talent in this group, so grab a cup of coffee and browse round their blogs. Most of them are longarmers. I had to create an avatar for their forum. This is when I discovered that being the photographer in the family means there are few photos of me hanging about. I did find this one of artmixter, Marion Barnett and I quite a few years ago selling raffle tickets for Children's Aid Direct at the National Quilt Show. That's me on the left and Marion on the right. The quilt behind me is my very first prize winning quilt which was the first prize in the raffle. I bought it off the winner so I'm lucky to still have it.
Love the pic of Marion and yourself, your quilts are brilliant I can see why they are winners.. found your blog from Marion.. I'm Sandra's DS..
ReplyDeleteI've made you a favorite to see your beautiful work..
I just started working in textiles, making my first fabric pages for a swap.. Your site is ver inspiring..