These are some of the Jane Austin fabrics from Makower. (take a look, they have some free patterns, including a super Christmas Fireplace by Ferret) Whilst I haven't been able to quilt you can see it's never been far from my mind. (or wallet)
Yesterday was a disaster, I had to go into town to post my DD's phone back to her. Whilst there I popped into the local discount bookshop (I'll show my purchases there tomorrow), from there I went to the other bookshop/newsagents and bought a Popular Patchwork as I saw a photo of one of Ferret's quilts. Then I hit the chemists, picked up a giant pot of my favourite face cream and put it back on the shelf when I was told at the till it was £99 ($200)! It's still cheaper than paying for the small tubes but nothing is that good. The lovely lady at the till told me it will be down to half price in a couple of weeks, I can wait.
Next was another shop to buy a new kettle for making tea in the bedroom, then the mobile phone shop to find out how DD can receive photos on her phone. Then the supermarket. Why am I boring you with all this?
Well my trolley was full of groceries including frozen food, I discovered I'd lost my car and house keys. By this time all the other shops were closed. I had visions of someone wandering round the car park clicking the key until they 'won' my car. Thankfully DH was on the train back from London and I only had to wait 45 minutes to be rescued by him with a spare set of keys.
Another day and things were brighter, they had been handed in at the Post Office.
And here's a little photo that some very kind lady took of DD with her phone at the entrance to the party the other night.