Monday, 28 January 2019


The best laid plans go astray.  But to keep my own dairy of this quilts progress or lack thereof, I have nearly finished the second of the four outer borders of my English Paper Pieced quilt. And although these are the outer borders, there will be another one inserted between  these and the other borders in my last post. It will probably be applique.

I found this lovely Prussian Blue in my stash. These honeycomb shapes are one inch long on each side. I love this colour so much but it is a tightly woven glazed fabric and is hard to stitch by hand. I'll limit myself to just using a little because of this. Plus a small sprinkling will add a little zing.

Did I tell you we have gone on a Low Carb High Fat way of eating? It worried me eating all that fat but not only have I dropped 30 plus pounds, but my blood pressure and cholesterol have also dropped. We went off piste over Christmas and I regret not just going off plan for Christmas day. It's great being on a diet that not only works but doesn't leave you feeling hungry. Occasionally I find myself craving chocolate coated raisins but a little cheese takes that away.

I made cakes over the Christmas season but not for us, just as little thank you gifts for a few people in the village. They were triple vanilla and layers of red and green cake under the icing. And I didn't eat any of them! (Well, I did lick the beaters after I had loaded the cake tins...)

Rupert and Millie seem to be getting more laid back as the winter gets colder. Except when they are out walking when Rupert chases squirrels and Millie hunts rabbit poo........ My old Danes used to chase deer but these two seem to realise their little legs are useless for such pursuits.