This is wonderful thing made to hang up shoes but has saved me about 2 1/2 sq ft of shelf space.

And then yesterday was the annual Farnham Maltings sale. This is an annual event where the quilts shops in the south of England come to clear their excess stock. So...

The colour of this Timeless Treasure is an indigo, I love this design though it's a pity the true colour hasn't come out in the photograph. I think I got about 8 metres (just under 9 yds).

Another colour which hasn't come through true, this is a real crimson/turkey red, a difficult colour to find. All the reproduction turkey reds I've seen have nothing like the true depth of colour.

Then a few bolts of marble types....

And these two ginghams, the pink one is a shirting print and the more red one a woven gingham.

And then I bought four of these Lunn hand dyed pieces.
I think I've found what's been keeping me from the sewing room and I think it was lack of enthusiasm for making a baby utility quilt, so I've made the decision to abandon that jig saw one I started and to make the baby a wholecloth out of this piece. Much more fun for baby and me.